
Dayne Barber - Tattooist
$30.00 - $500.00

PAINLESS PANTHER Tattoo Numbing Cream - 10g

Painless Panther Numbing Cream is your ultimate solution for a pain-free tattoo experience!
As an Australian Owned and operated brand, we take pride in delivering a top-quality product tailored to your comfort.
Created by Dayne Barber (@dayne_tattooist) a seasoned professional Tattoo Artist with a decade of expertise, our numbing cream is specifically designed to cater to the needs of tattoo enthusiasts seeking unparalleled pain relief.
Say goodbye to unnecessary discomfort and hello to a smooth, relaxing tattooing process with Painless Panther Numbing Cream.
Embrace the art without the agony - trust in Painless Panther for your next Pain Free Tattoo adventure.

Active ingredients: 5.0% lidocaine, 5.0% prilocaine and 1.0% epinephrine (adrenaline)

Legal Disclaimer-

The sale of this cream assumes no responsibility for allergic reactions or adverse effects of any kind, please read the ingredients and instructions carefully before use. If you have ever had any skin problems or allergic reactions, consult a GP before use.


5 Tubes ( $25.00 each )
25 Tubes ( $15.00 each )
50 Tubes ( $10.00 each )***

*DISCLAIMER: Consult with your Tattoo Artist before using Numbing Cream*

*** Orders for 50 tubes or more are available for Professional Tattoo Studios ONLY. please contact me via email at [email protected] or Instagram @dayne_tattooist***